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    • 主演:Redza  Minhat  Cristina  Suzanne  Stockstill  
    • 导演:Nik  Amir  Mustapha  
    • 分类: 爱情
    • 地区:其它 
    • 年份:2013 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:54:40
    • 简介:Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the Life Action Bureau or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and gives him a reason to live. The new Akil who embraces life must now race against time to undo what he has set in motion before he gets killed.



    Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the Life Action Bureau or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and gives him a reason to live. The new Akil who embraces life must now race against time to undo what he has set in motion before he gets killed.



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    • 5.0 已完结 社交疑云 英迪娅·埃斯利,奥丽维娅·赫西,内芙·麦克因托什,莱昂纳德·怀廷,理查德·科德里,杰克逊·比尤斯,Rollo,Skinner,Zac,Fox
    • 6.0 已完结 花仔多情 谭咏麟,曾志伟,山崎笃子,钟慧冰,楼南光
    • 10.0 已完结 花滑女王 阿格拉娅·塔拉索娃,亚历山大·佩特罗夫,米洛斯·比柯维奇,玛丽亚·阿龙诺娃,瑟妮娅·拉芙洛娃-格林卡,扬·察普尼克,克谢尼娅·拉波波尔特,维伦·巴比切夫,帕维尔·迈科夫,伊琳娜·斯达申鲍姆
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