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    • 主演:Martina Finch Robert Shannon Paul Kelleher Sasha Simon Frank Secret Thea Antzis 
    • 导演:Robert Shannon 
    • 分类:惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2020
    • 更新:2024-05-27 05:06:44
    • 简介:Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's death. They soon find themselves wrapped in a terrifying mystery when a strange woman appears and their every move seems to be monitored by a mysterious local sheriff.


    • 主演:Robert Shannon 阿德里安·布薛特 Les Loveday Klemens Koehring Paul Kelleher Beeny Royston 
    • 导演:Robert Shannon 
    • 分类:动作战争
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2012
    • 更新:2024-05-27 04:02:12
    • 简介:We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to be  Set in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France in the summer of 1944 a squad of American paratroopers struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become increasingly heightened in the heat of battle, trust becomes not only their hope but their fear as well. Are their allies really who they appears to be Shannon productions have completed principle photography on their first Feature film, 'Battle Recon' written and directed by Robert Shannon. They are now working in association with the Molinaire film and TV village to complete post production and Special Effects. 2011 will see the project develop into a series for television.


    • 主演:Jo Koy 
    • 导演:Shannon Hartman 
    • 分类:喜剧脱口秀
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2019
    • 更新:2024-05-27 01:09:46
    • 简介:当乔·科伊登上舞台,布莱斯德尔竞技场爆发出巨大的笑声。乔·科伊回归推出第二部 Netflix 喜剧特辑《乔·科伊:热辣登场》,请您准备好欣赏令人眼花缭乱的草裙舞表演和自嘲式幽默。科伊火力全开,向观众介绍了如何抚养千禧一代,以及复杂的菲律宾传统等等!《乔·科伊:热辣登场》将于 6 月 12 日星期三在 Netflix 面向全球上线。

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