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    • 主演:Lorenzo Lamas Matthias Hues Cyndi Pass Eric Mansker Brooks Gardner Eugene Robert Glazer 
    • 导演:Kurt Anderson 
    • 分类:剧情动作
    • 地区:其它
    • 年份:1993
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:31:58
    • 简介:强尼是波士顿着名的私家侦探,某次渡假到洛杉矶探视其哥哥,不料匪徒竟公然闯入将其哥哥和大嫂杀死,为了逮捕凶手他做了地毯式的侦探,并得到街头青少年的鼎力帮助,最后发现了绑匪集团的巢穴。


    • 主演:Aleksander Ristic Cynthia Bravo Matthew Oliva 
    • 导演:R.D. Womack II 
    • 分类:剧情惊悚
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2017
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:24:03
    • 简介:R.D. Womack II's patiently paced thriller has been hailed, as thrilling as it is beautiful - Brian Corsetti, HollyScoop. Follow Lester; a privileged underachiever who awakes to find himself kidnapped and stranded in a snowbound cabin. Along with Viviana, another captive, the two must survive the brutal onslaught of winter and outsmart their kidnapper; a sniper calling himself Wolf. With a blizzard bearing down on them the pair embarks on a deadly game of survival. Will the pair find a way through the winter storm to freedom, or will the mountain become their icy grave


    • 主演:Matthew Lillard Nora Zehetner Shea Whigham 
    • 导演:Drake Doremus 
    • 分类:剧情喜剧
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2009
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:22:52
    • 简介:故事的主人公是一个在任何方面看起来都很普通的男人。一次偶然的机会,他遇见了自己非常喜欢的女孩,然而不凑巧的是,当时他傻乎乎的闹出了许多笑话,活像个小丑。随后为了将女孩追到手,主人公绞尽脑汁,用尽各种办法,就是希望对方能明白自己的心意,不要误以为他是一个不解风情的家伙。


    • 主演:蒂尔·施威格 吉恩·莱赫纳 Ralph Herforth Lena Gryczka Anya Hoffmann Thomas Balou Martin Sven Martinek 费奥多尔·阿特金 Matthias Bullach Steffen Gräbner 
    • 导演:多米尼克·阿森尼-吉拉德 
    • 分类:剧情惊悚
    • 地区:其它
    • 年份:1996
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:06:25
    • 简介:史蒂芬·莱诺是德国特警队的一位队员,工作性质的特殊使他有了仇家—银行大盗团伙,他们准备暗杀史蒂芬,却误杀了他的妻子芭芭拉,史蒂芬一直对此事耿耿于怀,无法从妻子的死的打击中恢复,直到一次执行任务,他的仇恨全部爆发出来,擅自枪杀了银行大盗哈罗夫,他本人因此服刑三年半。刑满释放之后,史蒂芬原想可以平静地与女儿杰西生活下去,但哈罗夫的女友塔嘉娜却不肯放过他,他要亲手毁掉史蒂芬的生活,为哈罗夫报仇,以解心头之恨。于是工于心计的塔嘉娜运用各种卑劣的手段,妄想达到她的目的。先是陷害史蒂芬有投放炸弹,谋杀一位女法官的嫌疑,接着又绑架了史蒂芬的女儿杰西,以此引诱史蒂芬步入她设计的连环计中。史蒂芬和他的朋友卡尔明知会有无数危险在等着他们,但他们却毫不畏惧,为的就是救出杰西,并粉碎塔嘉娜的妄想。经过惊心动魄的枪战与智斗之后,塔嘉娜的诡计一一被史蒂芬识破,塔嘉娜被逼无奈,挟持杰西站在高高的平台上,但由于几天的相处,使塔嘉娜对杰西产生了母女之情,最终她放了杰西,但她仍不想放过史蒂芬,便使用激将法,企图重演哈罗夫死时的情景,引诱史蒂芬朝她开枪,这样史蒂芬就永远走不出心里的阴影,永远痛苦。在这千钧一发的时刻,史蒂芬会如何抉择呢?@神马影院




    • 主演:霍克·浩根 Hulk Hogan Matthew McCurley Lesley-Anne Down 
    • 导演:约翰·莫洛斯基 John Murlowski 
    • 分类:喜剧动作家庭
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:1996
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:47:26
    • 简介:男主角雷蒙表面上是小镇的玩具店老板,实际上却是国家的超级特务。为了执行任务,他经常在世界各地飞来飞去,因此而错过儿子的棒球比赛,甚至见不到妻子的最后一面。然而,不管雷蒙怎么隐瞒他的真实身份,仇家还是找上门来,并且让他变成了阶下囚。唯一能挽救他的人,只有当时在场目睹一切的儿子。  本片的故事架构跟阿诺主演的《魔鬼大帝:真实诺言》有点雷同,但制作规模和娱乐效果均相差甚多,职业摔角高手库克霍根饰演这名有口难言特务父亲,企图在这部家庭片中展现亲和力,可惜导演约翰.莫洛斯基拍不出效果。


    • 主演:朱莉·本茨 谢拉赫·霍斯达尔 Matthew Kevin Anderson 
    • 导演:Brenton Spencer 
    • 分类:惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2013
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:46:16
    • 简介:Zoey, a cyber crime cop, and Barry, a detective, raise their son, Timmy, in a quiet suburban neighborhood. When Zoey confides in her best friend about shift work and the lack of spark in her marriage. Zoey's mind is set in motion and when she discovers Barry is screwing around, she calls him out. Willing to give him a second chance, Zoey tries to mend her marriage. When Barry is seen again with that woman, Zoey gets a restraining order and sole custody of Timmy. Late one night a fire in her home tragically takes the life of her son. The evidence points to Zoey taking sleeping pills and smoking - she's charged with Timmy's murder. Zoey goes to Barry for help but he's distant and blames her. Zoey fights back, convinced she was set up to take the blame for Timmy's death. As she fights to prove her own innocence she gets the biggest shock of all! Written by Anonymous


    • 主演:Matthew Broderick Jeanne Tripplehorn Tim Guinee 
    • 导演:沃伦·莱特 
    • 分类:喜剧爱情
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:1993
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:43:42
    • 简介:Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.'  By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn't far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he'd like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses.  Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist, Ellen, is fine enough, too, and her unknowing interaction with our cheese-slicing hero shows some hopeful chemistry, and you may begin to feel you want to see these two get together.  One of the main competitors for our lady's affections, a stockbroker (Kevin Anderson), is played as caricature he's the beer swilling frat-boy whose idea of after-sex sensitivity is flipping on the football game. He's kind of funny at times, but the movie might be stronger if he was written or acted for us to like him more, instead of having us merely recognize him as the flat-out `wrong' guy in comparison to Broderick's sensitive man. Think of John Candy in Splash, taking a cigarette and beer can to the racquetball game; we know his lifestyle is not the one our hero should emulate, but we can't help but be charmed by the likeable goon. Whereas this character is merely a goon, and pretty unlikable all around.  While it's a nice enough light movie for the first half, for me the story was somewhat derailed by its unbelievable (Hollywood) presentation of sex and adultery. (SPOILER AHEAD, skip to next paragraph.) When Ellen returns home after an evening's misadventures, she is naturally faced with the questioning husband (Michael Mantell). Quickly admitting her own indiscretion, she then immediately turns the situation around, demanding to know why the guy had gone ahead and bought a house without discussing it. Granted, it's a valid issue, and granted, many people use this countering maneuver in arguments. What's unbelievable is what happens next the guy starts responding to her question, addressing the house-issue in a quiet, thoughtful manner. WHOA. You'd be hard pressed to find a married person in the world who, when faced with hisher partner's totally unexpected adultery, would be ready to address anything so calmly. The guy would surely be bouncing off the walls, or else crushed into silence and tears - but see, then we might actually feel for the poor schnook, and we'd see Sciorra's character in a poor light. And since that particular audience reaction doesn't serve the romantic comedy, the story tries to sneak around it. You may start to feel that, like the husband, you're being taken.  Further dissatisfaction is just around the corner in the ending. We realize this is where misunderstandings will get sorted out, and our couple will finally see a clear path to one another. We want the satisfaction of rooting for them. But it's marred by another unbelievable character reaction, followed by an abrupt conclusion that feels rushed and forced, too easy and unearned. You may feel as though the movie's cheating on you again...


    • 主演:Grant Lancaster Peter Patrikios Matthew Rios Brian Sheppard 
    • 导演:约瑟夫·格拉汉 
    • 分类:剧情同性
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2015
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:42:37
    • 简介:《迷宫》编导的最新力作。一个满月的静谧之夜,讲述费城四个不同世代的生命故事,交织着性的欢愉和绝望的空虚。布莱恩曾是才华洋溢、屡获殊荣的诗人,但面临江郎才尽的窘境;吉姆是英俊有抱负的演员,认为戏剧是他生活的一切;包柏是一位天才经纪人,但他始终无法忘怀过去;德鲁是个着名凋塑家,爱艺术更胜于爱他的情人。



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