

    • 主演:埃娃·马特斯  Angela  Schmid  玛吉特·卡斯滕森  
    • 导演:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德  
    • 分类:
    • 喜剧
    • 地区:其它 
    • 年份:1977 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 00:17:48
    • 简介:

      A film version of a play Fassbinder directed in Hamburg, Clare Booth Luce's The Women. It gave Fassbinder an opportunity to indulge his passion for working with women - there are forty women in the play and no men.  The play dates from the 1930s, and Fassbinder was accused by the critics of being anti-women (a frequent criticism of late). As usual, he chose to work against the text, and from this has constructed an entertaining and engaging play about love between upper-class women with nothing better to do than sneer at others when things go wrong with their lives and loves.


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    A film version of a play Fassbinder directed in Hamburg, Clare Booth Luce's The Women. It gave Fassbinder an opportunity to indulge his passion for working with women - there are forty women in the play and no men.  The play dates from the 1930s, and Fassbinder was accused by the critics of being anti-women (a frequent criticism of late). As usual, he chose to work against the text, and from this has constructed an entertaining and engaging play about love between upper-class women with nothing better to do than sneer at others when things go wrong with their lives and loves.

    纽约的女人们演员表:埃娃·马特斯  Angela  Schmid  玛吉特·卡斯滕森  






    • 4.0 已完结 小尼基 亚当·桑德勒,帕特丽夏·阿奎特,哈威·凯特尔,瑞斯·伊凡斯,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺,罗伯·施奈德
    • 3.0 已完结 滑稽秀 查克·巴里斯
    • 3.0 已完结 影与雾 迈克尔·柯比,伍迪·艾伦,戴维·奥格登·施蒂尔斯,詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩,维克多·阿尔果,丹尼尔·冯·巴根,卡米利·萨维奥拉,Tim,Loomis,Katy,Dierlam,米娅·法罗,约翰·马尔科维奇,麦当娜,Dennis,Vestunis,唐纳德·普利森斯,莉莉·汤姆林,朱迪·福斯特,凯西·贝茨,Anne,Lange,安迪·贝尔曼,保罗·安东尼·斯图尔特,约翰·库萨克,弗雷德·迈拉麦德,彼得·阿佩尔,约翰·C·赖利,雷马克拉姆齐,Ron,Turek,菲利普·博斯科,皮特·麦克罗比,约瑟夫·索默,伊斯特·伯林
    • 9.0 已完结 侠圣 刘德华,关之琳,雷宇扬,林保怡,秦豪,成奎安,韦基舜,卢雄,鲍方,方平,丁家强,陈志文,曾近荣,梁葆贞,曾守明,龙彪,谢伟杰,秦贵宝,伍国健,黄志强,蔡国强,苏伟南,林国杰,梁其禧
    • 7.0 已完结 骗子 布罗德里克·克劳福德,朱丽叶塔·马西纳,理查德·贝斯哈特,佛朗哥·法布里齐,Sue,Ellen,Blake,Irene,Cefaro,Alberto,De,Amicis,洛雷拉·德卢卡,Giacomo,Gabrielli,里卡尔多·加罗内,Paul,Grenter,Emilio,Manfredi,Lucetta,Muratori,Mario,Passante,Sara,Simoni,Xenia,Valderi,Maria,Zanoli,埃托雷·贝维拉夸,Gino,Buzzanca,Ada,Colangel
    • 10.0 已完结 爱很难 妮娜·杜波夫,欧阳万成,达伦·巴内特,洛奇林·莫罗,岑勇康,米凯拉·霍沃,丽贝卡·斯塔巴,马蒂·芬诺乔,詹姆斯·斋藤,C.恩斯特·哈斯,贾斯汀·沃林顿,肖恩·德伯纳,塔卡尤·费舍尔,迪恩·彼得里夫,帕特里克·罗卡斯,梅尔·塔克,Alexandra,Lainfiesta,Andy,Nez,Darien,Martin

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