

    • 主演:Franco  Fortini  达尼埃尔·于伊耶  让-马里·斯特劳布  
    • 导演:让-马里·斯特劳布  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2014 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:17:48
    • 简介:

      81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.


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    81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.

    共产主义者演员表:Franco  Fortini  达尼埃尔·于伊耶  让-马里·斯特劳布  






    • 8.0 HD 有你真好! 郝蕾,席嘉琪,马苏,杨坤,王晓赟子,黄景行,陆思恒,喻文乐,布布,方青卓,刘頔,赵亮,宁小花,孙昊,张歌,熊晓雯
    • 8.0 TC人工中字 泳者之心 黛西·雷德利,蒂尔达·格哈姆-哈维,斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆,金·波德尼亚,詹妮特·海因,伊桑·劳斯,巴沙尔·拉海尔,道克·巴特勒,约旦·安杰洛夫,萨瓦·德拉古切夫,罗伯特·伊德斯,泰莎·波纳姆·琼斯,萨斯基娅·温克胡耶钦,奥利弗·伊莉丝·阿伯克隆比,迈克尔·阿米亚尔,弗吉尼亚·安多诺娃,米特克·安杰洛夫,莉莉·阿斯佩尔,莉利娅·安塔娜索娃,莱拉·芭薇克
    • 6.0 HD 珊瑚护卫队 青柳翔,田中圭,佐々木希,菅原大吉,水橋研二,池田鉄洋,坂田聡,田中律子,藤木勇人,小日向文世,高畑淳子,夏八木勲
    • 8.0 HD 一种爱 莱娅·柯丝达,霍威克·库区科利安,乌戈·席尔瓦,路易斯·贝尔梅霍,英格丽·加西亚·荣松,弗朗切斯科·卡里尔,维奥莱塔·罗德里格斯,Amadeo,Marín,Tiri,Iruzubieta,Eva,Cabezas,Chema,León,Carmen,Suárez,Castilla,Lucía,Suárez,Castilla,Azata,Soro,élida,Baos,Antonio,Martínez,Martínez,Mónica,íiguez,Santolaya,Fernando,Pinillos,J
    • 2.0 HD 奇情快车 朱元政,林欣,田笑笑,刘海珊,朱华卿,刘乙霖,何雨桐,黄珊珊,路逍遥,黎志聪,徐丽杰
    • 4.0 HD 在一月的声音里刻下喜悦 前田敦子,卡塞尔·麻纪,哀川翔,坂东龙汰,片冈礼子,宇野祥平,原田龙二,松本妃代,長田诗音,丰田真帆

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