

    • 主演:安圣基  姜受延  汤尼·雷恩  山加津江  朴喜本  朴庭凡  梁益准  林权泽  
    • 导演:金东虎  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情短片
    • 地区:韩国 
    • 年份:2012 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 09:31:18
    • 简介:

      After the film screening, five people hold a meeting. Director Jeong asserts that a film should move the heart. Actress Soo-yeon emphasizes on the message of the film, Film critic Tony just discusses about the current trend of Korean cinema. Tomiyama cannot fully express her thoughts because of the language barrier. And, the head of jury, Sung-ki can’t control the situation. Will this jury reach an agreement against all odds A satire for those who make, watch, and criticize films is about to begin.


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    After the film screening, five people hold a meeting. Director Jeong asserts that a film should move the heart. Actress Soo-yeon emphasizes on the message of the film, Film critic Tony just discusses about the current trend of Korean cinema. Tomiyama cannot fully express her thoughts because of the language barrier. And, the head of jury, Sung-ki can’t control the situation. Will this jury reach an agreement against all odds A satire for those who make, watch, and criticize films is about to begin.






    • 3.0 已完结 1982 娜丁·拉巴基,Mohamad,Dalli,Ghassan,Maalouf,Aliya,Khalidi,Rodrigue,Sleiman,Gia,Madi,Lelya,Harkous,Said,Serhan,Zeina,Saab,de,Melero,Joseph,Azoury
    • 2.0 已完结 奇迹 成龙,梅艳芳,归亚蕾,柯俊雄,午马,董骠
    • 8.0 已完结 宿敌 杰克·吉伦哈尔,梅拉尼·罗兰,莎拉·加顿,伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼
    • 7.0 已完结 1921 黄轩,倪妮,王仁君,刘昊然,袁文康,祖峰,窦骁,张颂文,刘家祎,王俊凯,王源,欧豪,韩东君,张超,张云龙,胡先煦,陈坤,李晨,倪大红,田雨,谢孟伟,冯绍峰,刘诗诗,宋佳,宋轶,殷桃,安泽豪,袁泉,周也,欧阳娜娜,魏大勋,张雪迎,王弋萱,埃里克·迪恩,乔什·怀特豪斯,奥田瑛二,白石隼也,池松壮亮,朱一龙,白宇,倪寒尽,许凯,张若昀,张建亚,赵露思,钟楚曦,雷佳音,郭子凡,欧阳卫熹,陈美伊,胡连馨,陈仟钰,夏梦,陈雨锶,俞灏明,王森,谷嘉诚,张宥浩,赵弈钦,刘畅,马天宇,史彭元,陈龙,韩昊霖,彭楚粤,王锵,刘
    • 7.0 已完结 1917 乔治·麦凯,迪恩-查尔斯·查普曼,科林·费尔斯,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,马克·斯特朗,理查德·麦登,安德鲁·斯科特,丹尼尔·梅斯,阿德里安·斯卡伯勒,约翰·霍林沃思,克里斯·瓦利,杰米·帕克,罗伯特‧马瑟,贾斯汀·爱德华兹,理查德·麦凯布,理查德·德姆西,安森·布恩,雅各布·詹姆斯·贝西克,特蕾莎·马奥尼,皮普·卡特,保罗·廷托,安迪·阿波罗,约瑟夫·戴维斯,比利·波斯特莱斯韦特,加布里埃尔·阿库乌迪克,斯派克·莱顿,亚当·赫吉尔,纳巴汉·里兹万,克莱尔·迪比尔克,乔纳·罗素,迈克尔·吉普森,格伦·霍威尔
    • 1.0 已完结 1860 Giuseppe,Gulino,Aida,Bellia,Gianfranco,Giachetti,Mario,Ferrari

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