

    • 主演:小克利夫顿·克林斯  莫莉·帕克  莫伊塞斯·阿里亚斯  
    • 导演:克林特·本特利  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2021 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 09:46:47
    • 简介:

      Seasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.


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    Seasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.






    • 1.0 已完结 无处 Jella,Haase,Saskia,Rosendahl,Ludwig,Trepte,Frederik,Götz,Amelie,Kiefer,Maria,Sumner
    • 10.0 更新至第30集 巨人 Christian,Eriksson,Johan,Kylén,安娜·比耶尔克鲁德
    • 2.0 已完结 阿水 林义雄,陈淑芳,张再兴,陈玮薇,龚博轩,邱逢樟
    • 3.0 已完结 沃伦 米卡丽娜·拉巴克斯,阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克,沃西尔·沃西尔利克,阿德里安·扎仁巴,伊莎贝拉·库纳,雅采克·布拉茨亚克,玛丽亚·索博辛斯卡,奥列桑德·兹巴拉斯基,佛罗德米尔·普罗塔西尤克,奥维克桑德尔·彻舍洛夫,莱赫·德布里克,罗曼·斯勾勒斯基,扎卡尔杰斯斯·马斯齐因斯基,米哈尔·加多姆斯基,加布里埃拉·穆斯卡拉,托马什·萨普里克
    • 1.0 已完结 魔毯 Abbas,Sayah,Shaghayeh,Djodat,Hossein,Moharami
    • 10.0 已完结 卡车 玛格丽特·杜拉斯,热拉尔·德帕迪约

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